Writing Exercise #6

For my walk, I decided to go to Brick Lane. I have heard a lot about it from friends, who especially noted that I simply had to go to the vintage shops there. I took the bus there from Marylebone, which took a while, but I got off around where I wanted to go and started off on my walk. I could have technically walked all the way from Marylebone to Brick Lane, but that ladies and gentlemen and non-binary people, would have taken an hour and a half at best. Lately, London’s weather has been unpredictable, cold, and windy, and I’m sorry to say I’m just not that strong to make it all the way. Instead, I opted to get myself close and then walk the whole street and explore all the little nooks and crannies nearby. 

I loved seeing all the vintage shops and markets though the highlight for me was the Brick Lane Beigel shop. The warm smell of salt-beef beigels wafted through the air and I couldn't help but get one. Okay, okay! I got two! Sue me! They were delicious and perfect on a cold London day. Overall my solo walk through Brick Lane was really fun, and going by myself meant I wasn't so worried about taking my time and exploring. I will definitely be returning, if not just for the beigels.


Writing Exercise #7

