Puppy Therapy

I’ve been feeling stressed the past week. I received some difficult news regarding my family, and then a few days later, some news about my grandfather. It felt heavy and scary, and I felt myself wavering. If I was a sky scraper, the technology in place that allowed it to sway instead of fall down was in action. I let out my emotions instead of letting them build up, but I still felt exhausted. My friends were helpful, and yet, I felt shaken and freaked out. I’ve realized sometimes that though friends are helpful, the most productive thing to do is spend time with myself. Feeling my emotions in my body and reconnecting with my surroundings by myself. Sometimes I get caught up in making sure everyone else is comfortable, that I forget to put myself first. So, this past week I signed myself up for a puppy therapy session in Angel, which looking back is a funny name, considering the puppies I played with seemed like little angels. The session was 45 min long, and all we did was play with 8 week old puppies. I held a small French bulldog puppy, just silently sitting with her, and there was nothing else to do but enjoy the moment. I got to breathe, feel the puppy snuggling in my lap, and enjoy how soft she felt. Leaving the session I felt so relaxed. I hadn’t realized how much I missed my own dogs. My stress was lessened after the puppy therapy, and I felt like I gave myself a little gift, which made dealing with my family situation easier to handle. 


Reflections on Virginia Woolf and Craig Raine


London Poetry & Short Fiction