London Poetry & Short Fiction

I love the poetry about London. I am an avid poetry reader in my spare time and I find it fascinating how people can interpret and describe the world so articulately and creatively. These poems all capture London in different ways, though they are all in the same place: London. I especially love the way they describe the streets, the rain, and street lamps. Some focus on the people of London and the economics of the city, which all provide a different perspective that I appreciate. My favourite poem was ‘London Rain’, Louis MacNeice. I love the lines: “And again it starts to rain;/Falling asleep I listen/ To the falling London rain.” There is something peaceful about the rhyme scheme in conjunction with talking about rain – it reminds me of the pitter-patter of the sound. 

Short fiction: The Wishing Duck of Regents Park by Andrew Lemming

I thought this piece was really funny. I was immediately hooked by the beginning – I mean who wouldn’t be? The story took twists and turns that I thought were really silly and unexpected – especially the way the Duck spoke. The end was really funny and very unexpected. Overall it was a cute, funny, short story that made me chuckle.


Puppy Therapy


Writing Exercise #8