Writing Exercise #8

I think one of the things that has surprised me the most about London is how at home I feel here. I could really see myself living here and eventually starting my family here. I know that sounds crazy coming from a 22-year-old, but I am a future thinker and always have been. Me and my best friend, Brenna, have talked about how amazing it would be to keep exploring the city and finding little spots that we could in some ways call ours. There are so many cool places that when the semester started I had no idea even existed. Little movie theatres, quirky restaurants, basements of cafes perfect for working, the list goes on.

I’m excited to find more surprises and happy accidents — I especially love finding a photobooth and taking pictures with my friends. I already have a collection of them on the bulletin board in my room, and looking at them makes me so happy. They are like little hidden gems in London, and I’ve never seen so many photobooths in the US.


London Poetry & Short Fiction


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